Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today we continued to build our individual boxes. I was the first one to finish my box so i started on making another one. We also started on making the top arm that holds the counter weight and weight.

Today we finished all of our boxes. We began to think about how we would attach the boxes to eachother appropriatly.




Today i added the truss structure to the title block and made sure it had proper dimensions and was fit to the screen. I named all my title blocks based on what part of the crane they were.


Was not here

Today we started to make our crane out of the popsicle sticks. I worked on making the base of the crane using full popsicle stick lengths. I didnt have to do any cutting.

Today i learned how to make a proper I-beam. We made roughly 15 I-beams to get us started. We continued to cut pieces to get them the appropriate size to build the crane.

Today we started making three boxes for the bottom of the crane. We added the four corners and the trusses that connect them. We used carpenting glue to strengthen it as much as possible

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 16

Today i had to redo my crane design on CAD because it was not done in popsicle form. I finished the base the crane and started on my top part

today i finished my crane by completing the top and making it an appropriate sized and scaled according to what i would do.

Today i started to work on the multiple views of the base structure design. I put the three different views a new title block with dimensions showing the fine details.

Today i completed the base structure drawing making sure it was appropriate in dimensions compared to my main drawing. I had to use the midpoint tool a lot while doing this.

Today i completed the truss structure for the part of the crane that holds the load. I made it scaled with proper dimensions and made the side and top view as well.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Group Problem Solving

Principles - Dont jump to solutions before defining the problem. Solve problems close to the source. attend to the interests of all stakeholders.

Skills - Brainstorming, Facilitation

􀂾 Identify a recorder and facilitator (can be the same person)
􀂾 Clarify the issue or question
􀂾 If appropriate, first generate ideas individually on paper
􀂾 Begin recording ideas from the group --sequentially or otherwise
􀂾 Encourage “piggy-backing” and “wild or crazy” ideas
􀂾 Discourage criticism or judgmental comments
􀂾 Push past “the pause”
􀂾 Cluster before you prioritize

A P rocess I provement Mo elA A P rocess I provement Mo elA A P rocess I provement Mo elA
(The aim of the process --How ar et ing s u pps dt oh p pe?
Rea i y
(H wdo t hingsa tual yha pe ?
Root au es
( W hatw ould acc unt for an y gaps be w e enthe a ma drea ity )
Impro e me t pti ns
( W ha a reo t ons th a tmig t he l pcl set e gap?)
V lu -ad ed I ple e nta io
(Of th e m ny options whic o es w llad value H ww o ldt ey be imple mente ? )
Ev luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme t
(Wha a ret ecri eri for s c es Wha i the Rea i yRoot au esImpro e me t pti nsV lu -ad ed I ple e nta ioEv luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme tRea i yRoot au esImpro e me t pti nsV lu -ad ed I ple e nta ioEv luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme t

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 15

Today i continued to work on my crane on AutoCad. I made the prop that holds the weight and counter weight on the crane.

Was not here today

Today we made a presention on powerpoint about cranes. We discussed how to properly design a crane and how the trusses are supposed to work to incrase the stability of your crane.

Today i worked on my Cad drawing. I made the popsicle sticks scaled to fit on my drawing so that i could be as accurate as possible

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crane Design Ideas and Initial thoughts

I used these pictures of the crane to get an idea of what a simple tower crane should look like. These pictures will help me to design my crane on CAD and get an idea of the proper dimensions of the crane.