Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 6


I Animated the roller coaster. I learned how to properly change the settings depending on how i want the animation to look used different calculations to determine how long it took the camera to get from one spot to another, which is one scene


I decided to restart the animation. After rendering the animation i found that the turns and drops werent smooth enough. I also realized that the drop was moving at the same speed as the rest of the roller coaster which made it look unrealistic. I made the time between one scene and another a less amount of time but made the distances shorter which equaled it out.


Today i started rendering the animation and changing the things in it that i didnt like. I tried painting the roller coaster but i realized that it looked better without to many vibrant colours.


Today i added a base floor to it that was green to make it look like grass. I also made a sign that dispalyed the name of my roller coaster. I called the roller coaste "tipsy" and added some colour to the text on the sign.

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