Monday, May 31, 2010

Group Problem Solving

Principles - Dont jump to solutions before defining the problem. Solve problems close to the source. attend to the interests of all stakeholders.

Skills - Brainstorming, Facilitation

􀂾 Identify a recorder and facilitator (can be the same person)
􀂾 Clarify the issue or question
􀂾 If appropriate, first generate ideas individually on paper
􀂾 Begin recording ideas from the group --sequentially or otherwise
􀂾 Encourage “piggy-backing” and “wild or crazy” ideas
􀂾 Discourage criticism or judgmental comments
􀂾 Push past “the pause”
􀂾 Cluster before you prioritize

A P rocess I provement Mo elA A P rocess I provement Mo elA A P rocess I provement Mo elA
(The aim of the process --How ar et ing s u pps dt oh p pe?
Rea i y
(H wdo t hingsa tual yha pe ?
Root au es
( W hatw ould acc unt for an y gaps be w e enthe a ma drea ity )
Impro e me t pti ns
( W ha a reo t ons th a tmig t he l pcl set e gap?)
V lu -ad ed I ple e nta io
(Of th e m ny options whic o es w llad value H ww o ldt ey be imple mente ? )
Ev luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme t
(Wha a ret ecri eri for s c es Wha i the Rea i yRoot au esImpro e me t pti nsV lu -ad ed I ple e nta ioEv luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme tRea i yRoot au esImpro e me t pti nsV lu -ad ed I ple e nta ioEv luati n nd C nti uo s m roveme t

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