Monday, February 8, 2010

CAD week 2

Monday February 8th, 2010

Today in class we learned about the metric system and imperial system. We learned how to convert from one system to another as well as converting measurements to a smaller or larger measurement. Ex1 = Inches - Centimetres. Ex2 = Feet - Metres

Tuesday February 9th, 2010

Today in class we learned about designing a mechanical drawing. We continued to use offset and trim to design objects with a front, side, and top view. We also used dimensions and hidden lines to identify lines that are not visible on the current object but are seen on other views of the object. Dimensions were used to identify the exact measurement of each side

Wednesday February 10th, 2010

We finished our drawing by using dimensions to measure the sides of the shape. We changed the line density, colour, and arrows in order to show the drawing properly. We also learned about how to plot it on proper model paper, allowing it to look more professional

Thursday February 11, 2010

Today watched a tutorial on how to use google sketch. We learned how to model 3d objects and how to create a dog house. We then found blue prints for a car on and imported them into google sketch.

Friday February 12, 2010

Today we began to work on tracing our cars in google sketch. I choose to do a honda hatchback. I traced all sides of the vehicle that was imported. We then made a transparent later so that the details of the car could still be seen for future detailing.

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