Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Engineering Design Process

Elements of the design process :

- Problem identification
- Research Phase
- Requirements specification
- Concept Generation
- Design Phase
- Prototyping Phase
- System Integration
- Maintenance Phase

What is the problem?

1. collect information
2. Interpret Information
3. Organize needs hiearchy
4. Determine relative importance of needs
5. Review outcomes and process

Requirements Specification

- Identifies requirements design must satisy for success

1. Marketing Requirements
- Customer needs

2. Engineering requirements
- Applies to technical aspects
- Performance requirements

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 7

Today i learned about cadsoft envisioneer and that we must use this program to design our house project.

Today i started finding a plan for my house. I learned how to use the simple tools in envisioneer 4.5. I also thought about how i will design my house. I created a bubble diagram that outlines the layout of my house. I also created word document explaining why the rooms are located in their specific spots.


Today i started designign my house on envisioneer 4.5. I used exterior walls and interior walls to design the shape of the house with the appropriate lengths. I also started creating the interior walls of the master bedroom, which was my starting point on the house.

Today i continued creating the interior walls of my house. I designed the ensuite, the two bedrooms, the extra washroom, the foyer, and the closets. I learned i could change the doors lengths and heights as well as the placement of the doors and walls by simply stretching and compressing the lengths and widths

Home Design - Home Building - House Plans

Finding a house plan here:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 6


I Animated the roller coaster. I learned how to properly change the settings depending on how i want the animation to look used different calculations to determine how long it took the camera to get from one spot to another, which is one scene


I decided to restart the animation. After rendering the animation i found that the turns and drops werent smooth enough. I also realized that the drop was moving at the same speed as the rest of the roller coaster which made it look unrealistic. I made the time between one scene and another a less amount of time but made the distances shorter which equaled it out.


Today i started rendering the animation and changing the things in it that i didnt like. I tried painting the roller coaster but i realized that it looked better without to many vibrant colours.


Today i added a base floor to it that was green to make it look like grass. I also made a sign that dispalyed the name of my roller coaster. I called the roller coaste "tipsy" and added some colour to the text on the sign.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Engineer drawing with CAD applications

Engineers: People who use techincal means to solve problems. they design products, systems, deveices, and sturcture to improve our living conditions

Techincal Drawings; A clear, precidse language used in the desgn process for communication, solving problems, quicly and accurately visualizing objects, and conducting analysis

Design Process: Problem identification -> preliminary Ideas -> Design Refinement -> Analysis -> Optimization -> Documentation.

Implementation: Servicing, Financing, Marketing, producting, planning, documenting

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 5

Monday March 1

I worked on the loop. I used smaller peices to make the loop a little more smooth. I also added a slight curve to the loop so that it would align properly with the following track

Tuesday March 2

I worked on the loop. I used smaller peices to make the loop a little more smooth. I also added a slight curve to the loop so that it would align properly with the following track

Wednesday March 3

I took a snow day. No school for me

Thursday March 4
Today i finished off the loop. I have learned a lot about rotating shapes and objects. I have also learned a lot about making the track curve and making the objects look appealing to the eye.

Friday March 5
Today i finished off the track. I also did the final touches on the support beams and aligning everything proerply. I learned how important dimensions and perfect alignment is when creating a roller coaster. Next time i would spend more time on creating the perfect roller coaster shape. I am satisfied with the final outcome of my roller coaster.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Study Lesson 1-3: Engineering Drawings
Orthographic Projection
 Three standard views – Front, Top, Right
 Isometric view – a 3-Dimensional representation of the part with depth lines drawn at 30° angles
Study Lesson 2-1: CAD/CAM Introduction
CAD – Computer Aided Design
 Advantages of CAD
o Easier creation and correction of drawings
o Better visualization of drawings
o Toolbox of drawing aids
o Quick and convenient design analysis
o Simulation and testing of designs
o Increased accuracy
o Improved filing
o Better communication with manufacturing
Isometric view – a 3-Dimensional representation of the part with depth lines drawn at 30° angles
Also Know …
AutCAD LT basics:
1. Review the following tutorials from the class webpage:
 ACAD Intro Tutorial
 ACAD Offset Tutorial
 ACAD Problems
2. Know how to do Assignment #2 from the webpage like the back of your hand!!!
3. Know layers – know how they work and how to manipulate them
4. Know how to start a new document and insert a standard border
5. Know the following icons and how they work
a. line
b. offset
c. mirror
d. trim
e. extend
f. delete
g. layer property manager
h. circle
i. rectangle
j. move

Front View Test

1. A) 12
B) 24
C) 2
D 22
E) 2
F) 12
G) 2
H) 9
I) 12
K) 19
L) 15
M) 15
N) 5
O) 5
P) 1
Q) 21
R) 19
S) 9
T) 11