Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 8


Today I worked on placing furniture in my house. I learned how to use the collision tool in order to change where i wanted the furniture to be placed. I also learned how to use the elevation tool in order to set things at a certain height that i wanted. I changed the texture and colour of certain furniture peices in my house as well.


Today i continued to place the furniture throughout the house. I changed the flooring in the house as well as the cieling colour. I changed colours of certain furniture peices and re-adjusted the window sizes so that it would be proportionate to the rest of the house.

Today i worked on the roof. I put the roof over the house, but since it was just one giant square i had to make it have some shape. I learned to make peaks in the roof as well as different roof points higher than others above windows and certain rooms mainly near the front of the house. I made my front patio have stone around it with a concrete floor

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