Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 11

Was not here

Today i did the dimensions and centre lines of the adaptor. I learned how to properly set centre lines and use the apporpiate line types such as hidden lines, continuous lines, and dashed lines. I also posted my drawings on my blog.


Today i worked continued to use autoCAD on my next drawing. I started the new drawing of CAD problem 1.4. It was a little harder than the others but i managed to figure it all out. Less lines were given specific distances and i was forced to use a lot of other liens ot figure the smaller ones out.

Today i finished all the different views of CAD problem 1.4. I learned how to make better use of angles and distances effectively when drawing my shapes. I also started to do the dimensions of the drawing.

Today i finished the dimensions and centre lines and posted it on my blog. I learned how to scale down my drawings when posted on the model paper. I learned how to professionaly post the name of the drawing, my name, and the name of my school.

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